* Initial CD-ROM support
* create cdrom bugfix
* Improving CDROM change detection and fixing template creation bug
Running MarkAsTemplate on an existing template will fail with an error
* Better change detection for guest ID
Should only mark a change in case it actually changes
* Adding integration tests
* Pep8 compliance fixes
* Adding CDROM support, including iso, client and none types
* Updating added release version for CDROM option
* Module option metadata are extra arguments rather than S3 object metadata: update ExtraArgs variable.
* Remove hyphens from ExtraArgs to maintain backwards compatibility
* Map lowercase extra args to CamelCase
* Maintain backwards compatibility by guessing at content type rather than always defaulting to binary/octet-stream.
* Fix ExtraArgs for non-hyphenated options
* Simplify logic
- new module: ssm_parameter_store
- new lookup: ssm
* lookup module ssm - adjust error message
* Pacify pylint erroring on botocore not found
* adjust to version 2.5
* Addition of TCP protocol to ELB target group as target groups support HTTP/S and TCP now
* Fixup stickiness type so that it checks if the current_tg has the stickiness_type key in the dict, as TCP ones do not
Trying to associate an already-associated ElasticIP was failing.
This is however supported by the `boto` method that is used
under the hood, `associate_address`:
To quote `boto` documentation:
This option to allow an Elastic IP address that is already
associated with another networkinterface or instance to be
re-associated with the specified instance or interface.
This defaults to False, both per backwards-compatibility
and to mirror the boto default value.
* Set desired capacity to min_size if no instances exist
* Improve readability of if/then clause
* Only update null desired_capacity to min_size on initial create
Any future updates to the ASG will be able to reference the existing
Make sure that example in docs is usable:
# Remove storage domain
- ovirt_storage_domains:
state: absent
name: mystorage_domain
format: true
Without this PR data_center and host parameters where required when we wanted to
remove some storage domain.
Also fixes a regression when trying to remove a detached
storage domain.
The following patch fixes a regression when trying to remove a detached
storage domain.
As part of the remove process the ovirt_storage_domains module first
tries to move the domain to maintenance and detach it.
In case of removing a detached storage domain with no DC attached to it
The maintenace process will fail with 404 (not exists) exception when
trying to fetch the DC using empty Guid.
The fix proposes a solution to return None value in case of a detached
storage domain.
Fix adds a new module 'vmware_guest_powerstate' to manage
power states of virtual machine.
Fixes: #30371
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>
As part of the absent state of ovirt_storage_domains module,
the pre_remove method tries to move the stoage domain to
maintenance and detach it.
In case a destroy of a storage domain is being called there is no need
for those operations since the destroy might be merely a DB operation.
vm_username and vm_password are required parameters in
vmware_vm_shell. Fix adds changes to documentation as well.
Fixes: #28266
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>
* Add os_keystone_service_endpoint
This patch adds a new Ansible module which allows a user to create
an endpoint to a service with Keystone.
* os_keystone_endpoint: Fix style and messages
Fix comments, pep8, version, metadata, license header
and imports according to the Contributing Modules Checklist
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* os_keystone_endpoint: Fix return values
- Change type of 'endpoint' return value from dictionary to complex
in order to get validate_module checks passed.
- Remove 'id' from the return data since it is included inside the
'endpoint' value wich is already being returned.
- Rename 'service' field to 'service_id' which is the correct name
for the service id field returned in json.
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* os_keystone_endpoint: Update shade version
Update minimum shade version to 1.11.0
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* os_keystone_endpoint: Make region optional
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* os_keystone_endpoint: Validate service exists before using service.id
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* os_keystone_endpoint: Fix documentation for service to accept name or id
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* os_keystone_endpoint: Pass the full service object to create_endpoint()
We already have the service object retrieved in code, by passing service.id to
create_endpoint, the shade librarie queries the api again to get the full service
By Passing the already rerieved service object to create_endpoint() we save one
request to the API.
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* os_keystone_endpoint: Make type explicit in module arguments.
Althoug type is default to str when not specified in module arguments
this commit explicitly defines type='str' for better readability.
Signed-off-by: Alberto Murillo <albertomurillosilva@gmail.com>
* Return correct changed status when EIP is reused
When reusing an existing EIP, the changed status
should be False, not True.
* If public_ip is given and it exists, return it
Ensure EIP allocation returns existing public_ip correctly
* Added ecs_taskdefinition_facts module
* Expanding documentation
Now includes all possible return values
* Fixed boto dependency
* Converting results to snake case.
* Remove EcsTaskManager class, move to main()
Remove unnecessary `except` block
* Change botocore import method
Also make Profile exception message less redundant
* Changing case conversion of the results
Now converts only the root level keys
Commented is a version that would not convert only container_definitions
Avoid the following seen when running ec2_ami tests on python3,
presumably because the return type of `map` is different between
python2 and python3.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/ansible_e44v27uj/ansible_module_ec2_snapshot_facts.py", line 242, in <module>
File "/tmp/ansible_e44v27uj/ansible_module_ec2_snapshot_facts.py", line 238, in main
list_ec2_snapshots(connection, module)
File "/tmp/ansible_e44v27uj/ansible_module_ec2_snapshot_facts.py", line 193, in list_ec2_snapshots
snapshots = connection.describe_snapshots(SnapshotIds=snapshot_ids, OwnerIds=owner_ids, RestorableByUserIds=restorable_by_user_ids, Filters=filters)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/botocore/client.py", line 312, in _api_call
return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/botocore/client.py", line 575, in _make_api_call
api_params, operation_model, context=request_context)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/botocore/client.py", line 630, in _convert_to_request_dict
api_params, operation_model)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/botocore/validate.py", line 291, in serialize_to_request
raise ParamValidationError(report=report.generate_report())
botocore.exceptions.ParamValidationError: Parameter validation failed:
Invalid type for parameter OwnerIds, value: <map object at 0x7ff577511048>, type: <class 'map'>, valid types: <class 'list'>, <class 'tuple'>
* Fix cloudwatchevent_rule exception handling
Where it is currently present, this change fixes the exception handling.
However, there are many places that it is lacking.
* Add new exception handling for cloudwatchevent_rule
Ensure all API calls are wrapped with exception handling
* PEP8 tidy up
* Remove unnecessary HAS_BOTO3 import and checks
Tidy up documentation so that NO_QA can be removed
* Feature to Specify AZURE blob storage type
* Feature to Specify AZURE blob storage type
* Feature to Specify AZURE blob storage type
* Revert "Feature to Specify AZURE blob storage type"
This reverts commit 1d33997769ef3763a2eb434404c918134761635f.
modified: lib/ansible/module_utils/azure_rm_common.py
* Feature to Specify AZURE blob storage type
* Undeprecate ec2_elb_*
* Make ec2_elb* full fledged modules rather than aliases
* Split tests for ec2_elb_lb and elb_classicb_lb
* Change names in documentation of old and new elb modules
Add tests for ec2_elb_lb
* Fix tags in ec2_instance_facts
The method boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict in module_utils/ec2.py changed
and does no longer check whether the returned result of boto3 uses
"key" or "Key" as the tag key identifier.
This fixes ec2_instance_facts to make this check in its own, since boto3
may return "key" instead of "Key"
* Since the indices for the tags are already formatted to lowercase
by the snaking, we can assume, that the index for the tags are already
As-merged, had several issues that prevented idempotent usage. Some args were defined at the wrong UI level. Dual-state args didn't match up with typical Ansible UI.
* Replace pause in integration tests with until.
Use resource prefix instead of generating a random number
Only try to delete keys if they exist
* Add alias to tests
* ec2_group: Handle name conflict with empty vpc_id.
If several groups exist with the same name (and vpc_id is None) then
treat the group outside the vpc as preferred (same as it would for a vpc
group with vpc_id specified). Also don't run the egress rules code in
that case.
* Handle lack of `IpPermissionsEgress` attribute on EC2 classic groups
In EC2 classic groups, the `while True` loop checking for egress
permissions will continue infinitely.
* Handle incompatible combinations of EC2 Classic + VPC groups
* Fix integration tests in accounts lacking EC2 classic
This change checks against the security group created, instead of the
module parameters, for VPC ID. This means that new accounts with a
default VPC will still wait properly for the first egress rule to
* Fix conditional for storing described groups with preference for matching VPC IDs
* Revert `vpc_id is None` on conditional to allow for default VPCs
* update ec2_vpc_subnet_facts module to use boto3 and support gathering updated fact items from AWS API
add version_added to new parameter
added return docs and other requested changes
removed errant extra blank line
updates per review
* update per review: fix AWSRetry backoff implementation and fix example that was not correct
Pull the get_poller_result inside the if block so that if the caller has
wait_for_deployment_completion=False, it doesnt block and wait for it to
Also, since the result contains information about the deployment, provide
None values for it in the output.(Not sure if this needs to be documented)
* Create instance-store AMI instances with 'terminate' as the shutdown behavior since it is required.
* Match on the error code instead of searching for a string in the message.
* Narrow conditional to only fix shutdown behavior if fixing it would help
* Fix pep8.
* cloud: azure: fix typo introduced in commit 16d23e9
The commit "Add reference to VNET resource group (#26052)"
removed an used variable.
* network: aos: error hint never shown
The ec2_vpc_route_table module notifies about a change on the route table when the instance Id of the NAT instance has changed, but in fact, nothing changes. The module call the create_route function the AWS SDK to add a new route with the same cidr. The AWS SDK should return an error instead of nothing.
Call replace_route function instead of create_route when a route table with the same cidr but with different target destination is present.
This prevents errors when adding new rules that conflict with existing
ones that will be deleted. For example this allows adding a new rule
with the same priority of a rule that will be purged.
* add 2 quota variables for openstack: loadbalancer and pool. In neutron, they're set to 10 by default. So in the real production environment, you would hit this limit very soon.
* specify version_added for new options
Fix appearance of failure when creating a cloudformation changeset after a rollback. When creating a cloudformation changeset it shouldn't matter if the last event was.
_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE since creating a changeset is not an event. Fixes#27853.
* add template for az func
* (wip) add basic azure functions support
* add support to add app settings to azure function
* add support for updating based off of app settings
* add integration tests and refactor required param
* support check mode and add facts module
* add test for azure functions facts module
* add necessary checks and registrations for web client
* fix documentation
* change return type from complex to dict
* disable azure_rm_functionapp tests until stable
* remove dict comprehension for py2.6
* pepe has whitespace tumor
* Adding acs module
* linter issue
* Reduce the VM Size for the int. tests
* Short the name of the cluster
* Fixing the asserts and title
* Fixing VM Scale count in int. tests
* Changing the location of the tests
* trying eastus2
* disabling acs CI tests until stabilized
* new facts module for dns zone
integration tests and new module for dns zone facts
* use vairable for domain name
* add nondeterministic piece to domain name
* fix azure_rm_dnszone_facts examples
* create new module for record set facts
added new module to get facts for dns zone record sets
* use variable for domain name
* correct lint error
* add nondeterministic piece to name
* fix azure_rm_dnsrecordset_facts examples
Update integration test
handle check_mode
handle warnings
Removing the empty tags check
Updating author handle
To use github handle
Changing from warn to fail
disabled tests
* First version of managed disks: Multiple methods for creating, one get and one delete
* My name is too cool to be there
* Passing pep8 test
* Create and delete empty working
* Module for testing, lacks sense of setting state changed for unchanged operations
* Checking that actual changes are done to update status changed
* First version of the integration test
* Adding the dictionary to translate the facts, without using serializer
* Adding the serializer to managed disk
* Using native serializer in managed disks facts
* Added DiskSku to pass the whole class to the disk instead of a string
* Bumping version
* Passing sanity checks
* Aparently they Id is not returned by the serilizer
* Integration test
* Latest version
* Using my own serializer, the one in commons is not working for me
* Managed disks module support for ansible
* Updating my github account username in the file
* Sanity checks were missing in facts and integration test
* Fixing typo in source_resource_uri and removed AzureHTTPErrors
* Update tags are working now
* Integration test for tags
* Added support for tags, added check mode, corrected style
* (wip) add partial loadbalancer module
* (wip) add ability to use a public ip for a load balancer
* fix shebang
* add backend address pool to load balancer
* remove unncessary error variable
* add probe support to load balancer
* add ability to add load distribution rule to load balancer
* add nat pool functionality to azure load balancer
* fix pep8 errors from sanity check
* add documentation for load balancer
* refactor imports
* fix license header copyright
* add facts module for azure load balancer
* fix ansible-test failures
* add integration tests for load balancer
* fix metadata version
* add complex integration test to azure_rm_loadbalancer
* s3_sync: add delete option - fixes#25884
Add `delete` option. Maintain existing upload strategies. When delete
is requested files present on remote that are not in source list are
removed after upload.
* S3_sync: Delete objects in chunks of 1000 instead of one at a time.
* added managed os disk support for vms
* added managed_disk_type to documentation
* added data disk (storage account and managed disk) support
* deleting data disk blob when absent
* update differences
* update docs
* fix test failures
* fix test failure
* multiple data disk support
* fix test failures
* fix test failures
* fix for multiple vm data disk name conflict
* changed data disks naming syntax
* fix data disk caching
* Add the ability to modify shard count to kinesis_stream module
* Fixed an issue in kinesis_stream where update() reports not changed when it is changed
* Remove unreachable message and make the try and catch block shorter
In cases where the boto3 call to create a Kinesis stream failed, the
error message was silently ignored because the error message wasn't
returned out of `stream_action`
Also switch `str` calls to `to_native`
* added azure vm extensions support
* added auto_update_minor_version and protected_settings
* update docs
* added get_poller_result
* fixed test failures
* remove tags and check mode
* Include Integration Tests
Include Integration Test for azure_rm_virtualmachine_extensions.py
* Correct location for integration test files
* Can be set via env, credential profile, or module arg
* Valid values defined by Azure Python SDK, currently `AzureCloud`,`AzureChinaCloud`,`AzureUSGovernment`,`AzureGermanCloud` or any Azure Stack metadata discovery URL.
The ansible action ovirt_storage_domains obligates a data center
name of the attached storage domain as part of its action's arguments,
so it will get the attached_sd_service as part of the functionality
of changing the storage domain status (to maintenance for example).
On the other hand, ovirt_storage_domains_facts retrieves a storage
domain entity with information about the data center which the storage
domain is attached to as a UUID identifier (without name).
So for the user to use that storage domain, fetched from the facts
module, one will have to fetch the DC entity to get the name.
We could use the search which is used today using:
but that type of search does not support search by Guid.
Therefor this patch provides the ability to use ovirt_storage_domains
action with state change using also a DC UUID instead of a DC name.
- Fixes to lambda
- reformatting + tests for lambda_facts
- lambda module integration test
- switch lambda and lambda_facts to AnsibleAwsModule
- Get the account ID from STS, GetUser, and finally error message
* Update RDS parameter group for boto3
* Update to boto3
* Update to latest ansible standards
* Remove choices list for valid engines (See #19221 for context)
* Allow tagging
* Return some useful information, and document that information
* Add tests for rds_param_group
* Improve testing of rds_param_group
* Add purge_tags option for rds_param_group
* Fix remaining broken rds_param_group tests
* Ensure the group name is lowercased. Fixes integration tests when run on OSX
* Added folder and datacenter to the examples
From #22644 it seems that the parameter 'folder' is mandatory. While both are required parameters they should be used in the examples.
* Removed 'required: True' from folder documentation
I reverted the documentation of the folder option to be a not required one. This way it stays consistent with the definition of the function.
Fix adds refactor of code for find_host_by_cluster_datacenter
API in vmware_host and vmware_resource_pool.
Also, adds strict check for cluster and datacenter object find.
Testcase for vmware_resource_pool.
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>
* + Add DBName in RDS Facts if it's not null
* - remove 2 offending lines for automatic tests
* Syntax change for shorter code and improved readability
* Fix typo (#25161)
* Fixed cluster deletion: added final snapshot management
This adds 2 new options to the module API (only for the "delete" command):
* skip_final_cluster_snapshot: skip a final snapshot before deleting the cluster
* final_cluster_snapshot_identifier: identifier of the final snapshot to be created before deleting the cluster
Ref: http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/ref/redshift.html
* Fixed cluster deletion: added final snapshot management
This adds 2 new options to the module API (only for the "delete" command):
* skip_final_cluster_snapshot: skip a final snapshot before deleting the cluster
* final_cluster_snapshot_identifier: identifier of the final snapshot to be created before deleting the cluster
Ref: http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/ref/redshift.html
* add version_added information
* Review corrections:
* used required_if instead of checking parameters compatibility inside the code
* renamed aliases to be more explicit
Also added an example for the "delete" command
* Review corrections correction - make "delete" command specific parameters mandatory only when the command is "delete"
* updated doc with aliases
* Fix YAML docs syntax
* Set default to match API for skip_final_cluster_snapshot.
* cloudformation: dummy check mode
* cloudformation: use changesets to implement check mode
* cloudformation: wait at most 5min for change set
* cloudformation: handle stack creation and deletion in check mode
* cloudformation: standardize output format in check mode
msg is a string, meta is a list
* cloudformation: use same naming convention in get_changeset as create_changeset
also add comment about code duplication between said functions
* Remove unused imports
* PEP8 whitespace fix
* Fix CI, convert success=True check to for/else
* Add VPN module and unittests
* remove unnecessary imports
* fix documentation
* raise custom exception rather than passing module everywhere
* remove recordings
Rerecord tests
Fix docs
Ensure vpn_connection_id is a list of strings when checking if it exists
* fix check mode
* Rerecord tests
* remove superfluous code and comments and make exception handling uniform
fix docs
* Fix ec2_vpc_vpn documentation
* make ec2_vpc_vpn compatible with python 2.6 and make check mode logic more succinct
* fix comparison of list of dicts
* Fix typos and docstrings
make requested changes for imports
make code clearer
* Fix copyright and metadata version.
So the module was now not doing anything except adding a nic to a
vswitch. This PR adds idempotency checks, and removal checks.
We should probably add modification chacks as well, but I don't know
what the limitations are for vcsim.
Initial implementation of waf_facts module
* Enhance waf_facts module to provide more info
Support check_mode trivially
Enhance rule and predicate information
Use AWSretry and wrap proper exception handling
Finish documentation
Remove arbitrary limits
Meet latest ansible standards.
* Rename module to use aws_ prefix.
Fix copyright.
Fix metadata version.
* Fixing Issue #27270 regarding a TypeError invoked by the addition of a Filter type and List type.
* Fix SecurityGroup from always being reported as changed on PY3
On Python3, filter returns a generator. This causes us to report that
security groups are always defined on Python3 even when there are none.
Also change filter() calls into list comprehensions.
* New module for AWS Direct Connect connections
Unittests for new module
Added utils that will be used by other Direct Connect modules
* pep8 fixes
* Correct aws_direct_connect_connection EXAMPLES to be valid yaml
* Make requested changes
* remove use of the variable changed
get rid of unnecessary parentheses
* Fix unit test
* Rename variable.
* Fix metadata version
* amazon: extract boto_exception to ec2 module
This function was copy/pasted throughout several Amazon modules. This
causes a consistency problem, since some improvements to message
formatting were applied to some modules but not others. Now all modules
use the same, improved function.
* Rebase and make requested changes
* Rebase and make requested changes
* aws module Guidelines - rewrite - add AWS WG - add fail_json_aws - more modern
practices and fix some spelling
* aws module Guidelines - minor further changes with agressive fill to 99 width
* aws module Guidelines - formatting fix as per gundalow request
* aws module Guidelines - mark more keywords and code with backquotes
* AWS module guidelines - fixes from ryansb review + minor other changes
* ovirt_disks: added option to export disk to glance
* ovirt_disks: Moving exporting to separate branch
* ovirt_disks: removed redundant line obtaining disk obj