# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Taboot - Client utility for performing deployments with Func.
# Copyright © 2009,2011, Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from taboot.tasks.puppet import PuppetTaskResult
from taboot.tasks.rpm import RPMTaskResult
import re
class _FileLikeOutputObject(object):
A file-like parent class.
import exceptions
import time as _time
defaults = None
starttime = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Creates an instance of a file-like object.
- `args`: all non-keyword arguments.
- `kwargs`: all keyword arguments.
import ConfigParser
import os.path
if _FileLikeOutputObject.defaults is None:
if os.path.expanduser("~/.taboot.conf"):
_FileLikeOutputObject.defaults = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
# Only set the start time once, not for each logger instance
if _FileLikeOutputObject.starttime is None:
import datetime
_FileLikeOutputObject.starttime = datetime.datetime.today()
self._pos = 0L
self._closed = False
self._setup(*args, **kwargs)
def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
Implementation specific setup.
- `args`: all non-keyword arguments.
- `kwargs`: all keyword arguments.
def flush(self):
We are not buffering so we always just return None.
return None
def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
We are an output only file-like object. Raise exception.
- `args`: all non-keyword arguments.
- `kwargs`: all keyword arguments.
raise self.exceptions.NotImplementedError('Object for output only.')
def tell(self):
Returns the position of the file-like object.
return self._pos
def truncate(self, size):
We are an output only file-like object. Raise exception.
- `size`: size to truncate to.
raise self.exceptions.NotImplementedError(
'This does not support truncate.')
def writelines(self, sequence):
Writes a sequence of lines.
- `sequence`: iterable sequence of data to write.
for item in sequence:
def write(self, item):
Writer wrapper (not rapper, beav). Simply calls _write which is
implementation specific and updates the position.
- `item`: the item to write.
self._pos += 1
def _write(self, item):
Implementation of writing data.
- `item`: the item to write.
raise self.exceptions.NotImplementedError(
'_write must be overriden.')
def close(self):
Close wrapper (again, not rapper, beav). Simply calls _close which
is implementation specific and updates the closed property.
self._closed = True
def _close(self):
Implementation of closing the file-like object.
By default nothing occurs.
# Read aliases
readline = read
readlines = read
xreadlines = read
seek = read
# Read-only Properties
closed = property(lambda self: self._closed)
timestamp = property(lambda self: self._time.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", self._time.localtime()))
[docs]class CLIOutput(_FileLikeOutputObject):
Output a :class:`taboot.tasks.TaskResult` to the command line
with pretty formatting and colors.
def _setup(self, host, task):
Implementation specific setup for outputting to the CLI.
- `host`: name of the host
- `task`: name of the task
import Colors
import sys
self._c = Colors.Colors()
self._sys = sys
self._sys.stdout.write('%s:\n' % (
self._c.format_string(host, 'blue')))
self._sys.stdout.write('%s Starting Task[%s]\n' % (
self.timestamp, self._c.format_string(task, 'white')))
def _write(self, result):
Implementation of writing to the CLI.
- `result`: result object to inspect and write
import types
# Set output color
output_color = 'red'
if result.success:
output_color = 'green'
self._sys.stdout.write("%s:\n" % (
self._c.format_string(result.host, 'blue')))
self._sys.stdout.write("%s Finished Task[%s]:\n" % (
self.timestamp, self._c.format_string(
result.task, output_color)))
if isinstance(result, PuppetTaskResult):
# If result is an instance of PuppetTaskResult,
# colorize the puppet output
lines = result.output.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if re.match('info:', line):
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'green'))
elif re.match('notice:', line):
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'blue'))
elif re.match('warning:', line):
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'yellow'))
elif re.match('err:', line):
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'red'))
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'normal'))
elif isinstance(result, RPMTaskResult):
# If result is an instance of RPMTaskResult,
# colorize the rpm.PostManifest output
lines = result.output.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('-'):
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'red'))
elif line.startswith('+'):
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'green'))
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
line.strip(), 'normal'))
# Use standard pass/fall coloring for output
if isinstance(result.output, types.ListType):
for r in result.output:
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
r.strip(), output_color))
self._sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self._c.format_string(
result.output.strip(), output_color))
[docs]class LogOutput(_FileLikeOutputObject):
Output a :class:`taboot.tasks.TaskResult` to a logfile.
def _setup(self, host, task, logfile='taboot.log'):
Implementation specific setup for outputting to a log.
- `logfile`: name of the logfile to write to.
self._logfile = logfile
if self._logfile in ('-', 'stdout', '1'):
import sys
self._log_fd = sys.stdout
self._log_fd = open(logfile, 'a')
self._log_fd.write('%s:\n%s Starting Task[%s]\n\n' % (
host, self.timestamp, task))
def _write(self, result):
Implementation of writing to a log.
- `result`: result object to inspect and write
import types
if result.success:
success_str = 'OK'
success_str = 'FAIL'
self._log_fd.write("%s:\n%s Finished Task[%s]: %s\n" % (
result.host, self.timestamp, result.task, success_str))
if isinstance(result.output, types.ListType):
for r in result.output:
self._log_fd.write("%s\n\n" % r.strip())
self._log_fd.write("%s\n\n" % result.output.strip())
[docs]class EmailOutput(_FileLikeOutputObject):
Output a :class:`taboot.tasks.TaskResult` to a logfile.
def _setup(self, to_addr, from_addr='taboot@redhat.com'):
Implementation specific setup for outputting to a log.
- `to_addr`: who to send the email to.
- `from_addr`: who the email is from.
import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError, ie:
import StringIO
self._to_addr = to_addr
self._from_addr = from_addr
self._buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
def _write(self, result):
Implementation of writing out to an email.
- `result`: result object to inspect and write
if result.success:
success_str = 'OK'
success_str = 'FAIL'
self._buffer.write("%s: %s" % (task_result.task, success_str))
[docs] def flush(self):
Flushing sends the email with the buffer.
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
msg = self.MIMEText(self._buffer.read())
msg['Subject'] = task_result.host
msg['From'] = self._from_addr
msg['To'] = self._to_addr
smtp = self.smtplib.SMTP()
smtp.sendmail(self._from_addr, [self._to_addr], msg.as_string())
def __del__(self):
If the buffer is not empty before destroying, flush.
if self._buffer.pos < self._buffer.len:
[docs]class HTMLOutput(_FileLikeOutputObject):
Output a :class:`taboot.tasks.TaskResult` to the command line
with pretty formatting and colors.
.. document private functions
.. automethod:: _write
logfile_path = None
def _expand_starttime(self, param):
Expand any instances of "%s" in `param`
if '%s' in param:
p = param % HTMLOutput.starttime
return p.replace(" ", "-")
return param
def _setup(self, host, task, logfile="taboot-%s.html", destdir="."):
Implementation specific setup for outputting to an HTML file.
- `host`: name of the host
- `task`: name of the task
- `logfile`: name of the file to log to, '%s' is substituted
with a datestamp
- `destdir`: directory in which to save the log file to
import Colors
import sys
import os.path
import os
_default_logfile = "taboot-%s.html"
_default_destdir = "."
# Pick if the parameter is changed
# Pick if above is false and logfile is set in defaults
# Else, use parameter
if not logfile == _default_logfile:
_logfile = logfile
elif HTMLOutput.defaults is not None and \
HTMLOutput.defaults.has_option("HTMLOutput", "logfile"):
_logfile = HTMLOutput.defaults.get("HTMLOutput", "logfile")
_logfile = logfile
# Expand %s into a time stamp if necessary
_logfile = self._expand_starttime(_logfile)
if not destdir == _default_destdir:
_destdir = destdir
elif HTMLOutput.defaults is not None and \
HTMLOutput.defaults.has_option("HTMLOutput", "destdir"):
_destdir = HTMLOutput.defaults.get("HTMLOutput", "destdir")
_destdir = destdir
# Figured it all out, now we join them together!
self._logfile_path = os.path.join(_destdir, _logfile)
if not os.path.exists(_destdir):
os.makedirs(_destdir, 0755)
self._c = Colors.HTMLColors()
self._log_fd = open(self._logfile_path, 'a')
# Lets only print this when it is set or changed
if HTMLOutput.logfile_path is None or \
not HTMLOutput.logfile_path == self._logfile_path:
sys.stderr.write("Logging HTML Output to %s\n" % \
HTMLOutput.logfile_path = self._logfile_path
# Log the start of this task
name = self._fmt_anchor(self._fmt_hostname(host))
start_msg = """<p><tt>%s:</tt></p>
<p><tt>%s Starting Task[%s]\n</tt>""" % (name, self.timestamp, task)
def _fmt_anchor(self, text):
Format an #anchor and a clickable link to it
h = hash(self.timestamp)
anchor_str = "<a name='%s' href='#%s'>%s</a>" % (h, h, text)
return anchor_str
def _fmt_hostname(self, n):
Standardize the hostname formatting
return "<b>%s</b>" % self._c.format_string(n, 'blue')
[docs] def _write(self, result):
Write a tasks `result` out to HTML. Handles enhanced stylizing
for task results that support such as:
- :py:mod:`taboot.tasks.puppet.PuppetTaskResult`
- :py:mod:`taboot.tasks.rpm.RPMTaskResult`
import types
import sys
import cgi
name = self._fmt_hostname(result.host)
# escape any html in result.output
result.output = cgi.escape(result.output)
if result.success:
success_str = self._c.format_string('<b>OK</b>', 'green')
success_str = self._c.format_string('<b>FAIL</b>', 'red')
self._log_fd.write("<p><tt>%s:\n</tt></p>\n<p><tt>%s "\
"Finished Task[%s]: %s</tt></p>\n" %
(name, self.timestamp, result.task, success_str))
if isinstance(result, PuppetTaskResult):
# If result is an instance of PuppetTaskResult,
# colorize the puppet output
lines = result.output.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if re.match('info:', line):
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
elif re.match('notice:', line):
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
elif re.match('warning:', line):
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
elif re.match('err:', line):
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
self._log_fd.write("<br /><br />\n")
elif isinstance(result, RPMTaskResult):
# If result is an instance of RPMTaskResult,
# colorize the rpm.PostManifest output
lines = result.output.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('-'):
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
elif line.startswith('+'):
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
self._log_fd.write("%s<br />\n" %
self._log_fd.write("<br /><br />\n")
# Use standard pass/fall coloring for output
if isinstance(result.output, types.ListType):
for r in result.output:
self._log_fd.write("<pre>%s</pre>\n<br /><br />\n" %
self._log_fd.write("<pre>%s</pre>\n<br /><br />\n" %