

The Taboot task library.

Taboot was created as a framework to do code deployments which require a repetitive set of tasks to be run in a certain order against certain groups of hosts.

Taboot runner

class taboot.runner.Runner(script, config, expand_globs=True)[source]

The Runner, responsible for running a taboot job.

Parameters :
  • script: an instance of tabootScript
  • expand_globs: whether to expand the globs or just leave them as is.

Run the preflight/tasks-body

class taboot.runner.TaskRunner(host, tasks, semaphore, output, fail_event)[source]

TaskRunner is responsible for executing a set of tasks for a single host in it’s own thread.

Parameters :
  • host: The host to operate on.
  • tasks: A list of tasks to perform (see Runner)
  • semaphore: The Runner semaphore to acquire before executing
  • output: A list of outputters to use. (see Runner)
  • fail_event: The Runner failure event to check before executing. If this event is set when the TaskRunner acquires the semaphore, then the TaskRunner is effectively a no-op.

Run the task(s) for the given host. If the fail_event passed from the invoking Runner is set, do nothing.


Run a single task. Sets and then invokes the run method for the task.

Parameters :
  • task: The task to run

Taboot tasks

class taboot.tasks.BaseTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base Task. All tasks should inherit from this. It does the pretty string representation of a task and allows setting of the host attribute.

class taboot.tasks.FuncErrorTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Explicitly cause a func remote error by calling a bad command. Used to verify func exception handling works as expected

class taboot.tasks.FuncTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A Func-based task. All tasks that utilize Func should inherit from this.


Run the FuncTask.

Parameters :
class taboot.tasks.TaskResult(task, success=False, output='', ignore_errors=False)[source]

An encapsulation of the results of a task. This is passed to one or more instances of output classes (derived from BaseOutput) in order to display to the user.

Parameters :
  • task: The task object represented by this result
  • success: Whether the task completed successfully or not
  • output: Any text output produced by the task

AJP Tasks

class taboot.tasks.mod_jk.InRotation(proxies, action='enable', **kwargs)[source]

Put an AJP node in rotation on a proxy via modjkapi access on the proxy with func.

Parameters :
  • proxies: A list of URLs to AJP jkmanage interfaces
class taboot.tasks.mod_jk.OutOfRotation(proxies, action='stop', **kwargs)[source]

Remove an AJP node from rotation on a proxy via modjkapi access on the proxy with func.

Parameters :
  • proxies: A list of URLs to AJP jkmanage interfaces

Command tasks

class taboot.tasks.command.Run(command, **kwargs)[source]

Run arbitrary commands via Func. The arguments passed to __init__ are used to execute

Parameters :
  • command: Command to run on the remote host

Misc tasks

Nagios tasks

class taboot.tasks.nagios.DisableAlerts(nagios_url, **kwargs)[source]

Disable alerts for a host on a nagios instance

Parameters :
  • nagios_url: Hostname of the Nagios server.
class taboot.tasks.nagios.EnableAlerts(nagios_url, **kwargs)[source]

Enable alerts for a host on a nagios instance

Parameters :
  • nagios_url: Hostname of the Nagios server.
class taboot.tasks.nagios.NagiosBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

All subsequent Nagios tasks are subclasses of this.

Code note: Because a FuncTask expects to make connections to we need to switch nagios_url with and pass the original as an argument.

Changed in version 0.2.14.

class taboot.tasks.nagios.ScheduleDowntime(nagios_url, service='HOST', minutes=30, **kwargs)[source]

Schedule downtime for services on a host in Nagios

Parameters :
  • nagios_url: Hostname of the Nagios server.
  • service: Service or list of services to schedule down for.
  • minutes: The number of minutes to schedule downtime for. Default is 30.
class taboot.tasks.nagios.SilenceHost(nagios_url, **kwargs)[source]

Silence all notifications for a given host

Parameters :
  • nagios_url: Hostname of the Nagios server.
class taboot.tasks.nagios.UnsilenceHost(nagios_url, **kwargs)[source]

Unsilence all notifications for a given host

Parameters :
  • nagios_url: Hostname of the Nagios server.

Polling tasks

class taboot.tasks.poller.PollTask(task, sleep_interval=5, max_attempts=6, fail_task=None, **kwargs)[source]

PollTask. A task that will poll a particular task until the task succeeds or until max_attempts is reached.

Parameters :
  • task The task to poll.

  • sleep_interval The number of seconds to wait before trying

    the task again.

  • max_attempts The maximum number of attempts that the task

    should be run.

  • fail_task The task to run when max_attempts has been exhausted.

    If no fail_task is provided, then a simple TaskResult indicating failure is returned.

Puppet tasks

class taboot.tasks.puppet.DeleteLockfile(**kwargs)[source]

Remove the puppet lock file.

class taboot.tasks.puppet.Disable(**kwargs)[source]

Run ‘puppetd –disable’.

class taboot.tasks.puppet.Enable(**kwargs)[source]

Run ‘puppetd –enable’.

class taboot.tasks.puppet.PuppetBase(pcmd, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for puppet commands

class taboot.tasks.puppet.PuppetTaskResult(task, success=False, output='', ignore_errors=False)[source]

Wrapper around TaskResult to be able to differentiate in output class

class taboot.tasks.puppet.Run(server='', noop=False, safe=False, **kwargs)[source]

Run ‘puppetd –test || true’

Optional Parameters:
  • server: Puppetmaster to run against
  • noop: If this should be a noop run (Boolean)
  • safe: Abort if puppet errors (Boolean)

See also: taboot.tasks.Puppet.SafeRun()

class taboot.tasks.puppet.SafeRun(server='', **kwargs)[source]

Run ‘puppetd –test’.

How is this different from Run? Simple, it will abort everything if puppet returns with a non-zero exit status.

RPM tasks

class taboot.tasks.rpm.PostManifest(**kwargs)[source]

Gather list of installed RPMs and compare against a previously taken PreManifest


The runner that gets passed in contains state that can be access via dict-like access. PreManifest uses this to write to the rpm.Premanifest field. So we’ll check to make sure the pre-manifest is there by looking for that state.

class taboot.tasks.rpm.PreManifest(**kwargs)[source]

Gather list of installed RPMs. A later invocation of PostManifest is then used to output the RPMs changed during intermediate tasks.


Override the default command.Run to strip the output from the result because we’re really not interested in the contents of the pre-manifest; we just want to collect it to compare later on with PostManifest.

class taboot.tasks.rpm.RPMBase(pcmd, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for rpm commands

class taboot.tasks.rpm.RPMTaskResult(task, success=False, output='', ignore_errors=False)[source]

Wrapper around TaskResult to be able to differentiate in output class

Service tasks

class taboot.tasks.service.Restart(service, **kwargs)[source]

Restart a service.

  • service - The service to restart.
class taboot.tasks.service.ServiceBase(command, **kwargs)[source]

Base Class for system service tasks

class taboot.tasks.service.Start(service, **kwargs)[source]

Start a service.

  • service - The service to start.
class taboot.tasks.service.Stop(service, **kwargs)[source]

Stop a service.

  • service - The service to stop.

Sleep tasks

class taboot.tasks.sleep.Minutes(minutes=1, **kwargs)[source]

Halt task processing on a node for a certain number of minutes.

Parameters :
  • minutes: Number of minutes to halt execution for.
class taboot.tasks.sleep.Seconds(seconds=60, **kwargs)[source]

Halt task processing on a node for a certain number of seconds.

Parameters :
  • seconds: Number of seconds to halt execution for.
class taboot.tasks.sleep.SleepBase(**kwargs)[source]

Base class for task-queue pausing classes.

class taboot.tasks.sleep.WaitOnInput(message='Press enter to continuen', **kwargs)[source]

Halt task processing on a node until the user presses enter.

Parameters :
  • message: The message to prompt on the CLI.

Yum tasks

class taboot.tasks.yum.Install(packages, **kwargs)[source]

Install one or more packages.

Parameters :
  • packages: A list of packages to install
class taboot.tasks.yum.Remove(packages, **kwargs)[source]

Remove one or more packages.

Parameters :
  • packages: A list of packages to remove.
class taboot.tasks.yum.Update(packages=[], **kwargs)[source]

Update one or more packages.

Parameters :
  • packages: A list of packages to update. If packages is empty,

    update all packages on the system.

class taboot.tasks.yum.YumBase(packages)[source]

Base class for all Yum-related tasks.

Taboot output

class taboot.output.CLIOutput(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to the command line with pretty formatting and colors.

Creates an instance of a file-like object.

Parameters :
  • args: all non-keyword arguments.
  • kwargs: all keyword arguments.
class taboot.output.EmailOutput(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to a logfile.

Creates an instance of a file-like object.

Parameters :
  • args: all non-keyword arguments.
  • kwargs: all keyword arguments.

Flushing sends the email with the buffer.

class taboot.output.HTMLOutput(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to the command line with pretty formatting and colors.


Write a tasks result out to HTML. Handles enhanced stylizing for task results that support such as:

Creates an instance of a file-like object.

Parameters :
  • args: all non-keyword arguments.
  • kwargs: all keyword arguments.
class taboot.output.LogOutput(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to a logfile.

Creates an instance of a file-like object.

Parameters :
  • args: all non-keyword arguments.
  • kwargs: all keyword arguments.