The Taboot task library.
Taboot was created as a framework to do code deployments which require a repetitive set of tasks to be run in a certain order against certain groups of hosts.
The Runner, responsible for running a taboot job.
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TaskRunner is responsible for executing a set of tasks for a single host in it’s own thread.
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Base Task. All tasks should inherit from this. It does the pretty string representation of a task and allows setting of the host attribute.
Explicitly cause a func remote error by calling a bad command. Used to verify func exception handling works as expected
A Func-based task. All tasks that utilize Func should inherit from this.
Run the FuncTask.
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An encapsulation of the results of a task. This is passed to one or more instances of output classes (derived from BaseOutput) in order to display to the user.
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Disable alerts for a host on a nagios instance
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Enable alerts for a host on a nagios instance
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All subsequent Nagios tasks are subclasses of this.
Code note: Because a FuncTask expects to make connections to we need to switch nagios_url with and pass the original as an argument.
Changed in version 0.2.14.
Schedule downtime for services on a host in Nagios
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PollTask. A task that will poll a particular task until the task succeeds or until max_attempts is reached.
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Wrapper around TaskResult to be able to differentiate in output class
Gather list of installed RPMs and compare against a previously taken PreManifest
Gather list of installed RPMs. A later invocation of PostManifest is then used to output the RPMs changed during intermediate tasks.
Restart a service.
Base Class for system service tasks
Halt task processing on a node for a certain number of minutes.
Parameters : |
Install one or more packages.
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Remove one or more packages.
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Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to the command line with pretty formatting and colors.
Creates an instance of a file-like object.
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Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to a logfile.
Creates an instance of a file-like object.
Parameters : |
Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to the command line with pretty formatting and colors.
Write a tasks result out to HTML. Handles enhanced stylizing for task results that support such as:
Creates an instance of a file-like object.
Parameters : |
Output a taboot.tasks.TaskResult to a logfile.
Creates an instance of a file-like object.
Parameters : |