# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Taboot - Client utility for performing deployments with Func.
# Copyright © 2009-2011, Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
[docs]class BaseTask(object):
Base Task. All tasks should inherit from this. It does the
pretty string representation of a task and allows setting of the
host attribute.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._name = str(type(self))
next = self._name.index("'") + 1
self._name = self._name[next:self._name.rindex("'")]
self._args = args
self.host = kwargs['host']
self.concurrentFriendly = True
def __repr__(self):
return "%s%s" % (self._name, self._args)
def _sethost(self, host):
self._host = host
def _gethost(self):
if hasattr(self, '_host'):
return self._host
return None
host = property(_gethost, _sethost)
[docs]class FuncTask(BaseTask):
A Func-based task. All tasks that utilize Func should inherit
from this.
import func.jobthing
from taboot.errors import FuncException as _FuncException
def _func_run(self, func_command, *args):
Execute a command via Func.
- `func_command` String representing func command to run
(e.g. 'command.run')
- `*args` Argument(s) to be used when invoking the func command
import time
import func.overlord.client
client = func.overlord.client.Client(self._host, async=True)
job_id = reduce(lambda x, y: getattr(x, y),
# poll until the job completes
(status, result) = (None, None)
while status != self.func.jobthing.JOB_ID_FINISHED:
(status, result) = client.job_status(job_id)
result = result[self._host]
if result[0] == 'REMOTE_ERROR':
raise self._FuncException(result[1:])
return (True, result)
except Exception, ex:
return (False, repr(ex))
[docs] def run(self, runner):
Run the FuncTask.
- `runner` A :class:`taboot.runner.TaskRunner` instance
if not hasattr(self, '_command'):
raise Exception("You MUST set self._command when instantiating " +
"a subclass of FuncTask!")
result = self._func_run(self._command, *(self._args))
if result[0]:
# command executed successfully as far as "func success"
return self._process_result(result[1])
return TaskResult(self, success=False, output=result[1])
[docs]class FuncErrorTask(FuncTask):
Explicitly cause a func remote error by calling a bad command.
Used to verify func exception handling works as expected
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FuncErrorTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._command = 'thiscommand.DoesntExist'
[docs]class TaskResult(object):
An encapsulation of the results of a task. This is passed to one
or more instances of output classes (derived from BaseOutput) in
order to display to the user.
def __init__(self, task, success=False, output='', ignore_errors=False):
- `task`: The task object represented by this result
- `success`: Whether the task completed successfully or not
- `output`: Any text output produced by the task
if hasattr(task, 'host'):
self._host = task.host
self._task = repr(task)
self._taskObj = task
self._success = success
self._output = output
self._ignore_errors = ignore_errors
def _gettask(self):
return self._task
def _gettaskObj(self):
return self._taskObj
def _settask(self, t):
self._task = repr(t)
def _getsuccess(self):
return self._success
def _setsuccess(self, success):
self._success = success
def _getoutput(self):
return self._output
def _setoutput(self, output):
self._output = output
def _getignore_errors(self):
return self._ignore_errors
def _setignore_errors(self, ignore_errors):
self._ignore_errors = ignore_errors
def _gethost(self):
return self._host
task = property(_gettask, _settask)
success = property(_getsuccess, _setsuccess)
output = property(_getoutput, _setoutput)
ignore_errors = property(_getignore_errors, _setignore_errors)
host = property(_gethost)
taskObj = property(_gettaskObj)